Sunday, November 23, 2008
work @ popular bookfest
sorry for the long absence!!
been working my butt off these days and when i come home, it was straight maple :x
blog is so lag!!
ohkays anyway
my 7days of
virgin work.
day 1 :
went to work super early. i was at least 45 mins early with jie but i didnt have the pass with me so i cant enter.
so jie waited with me till it was time for her to work. and finally my in-charge, Mabel. came to rescue me from the many staring eyes outside the hall. collected my tag and apron..

i WAS at cashier A, but because my first day of work was the second day of the fair opening, many cashiers ardy have their packers le. so i was "kicked" to cashier B, the other end of the hall and further from jie.
but it wasnt that all bad, i got to know
Wenhao and
and i got to be packer and crowd control.
cashier B. i notice most of the cashier has their own packers so i filled up one of the cashier whose packer is not working today.
day 1:
auntie Mai Siew Lan !!
she's veri nice to me! actually all of them were nice arhs. auntie siew lan kept laughing at me for zi-highing all by myself -eg.
jumping, hopping, waving counter no. hysterically, playing with the plastic bags and "flying kites"and i got to know
vanessa (queue control)
first day of lunch, i didnt know that i could skip lunch can, could have earn another 5bucks
anyway i punched out at 2.08(?) , found jie, and punch in again. which is 2.28 -__-
dinner, thnk god dennis kor came!! or else i could never had went to mac or eat the whole day can?
mummy came abit after (: !! so nice of them!!

my time card!! such a novelty item to me :x

Day 2 :
nothing biggie. didnt work with auntie siew lan anymore.
that day i worked with
auntie Joyce, a little teeny bit grumpy lady in her 50s or so.
but i managed to make her laugh through all my whacko tatics -__- what a joker i am LOL.
she didnt allow me to call her auntie though, saying something like we're all working so status same so call her joyce

that day i didnt eat lunch also i think. i walked around popular (: and i saw this!!!!

ITS SO ADORABLE CAN!! i even dragged
Li Ying to see it on the last day!!
and i took this teddy bear all around popular and even took it along with me to find jie during my break.
some staff laugh at me LOL.
i got to know
LiWei and
ChangYaotoo (: , then about these few days i been going to work with jess and liying cause jie and my schedules were diff.
Day 3 :
Connie !! a siao zhar bor (:
we mixed quite well i must say. and i went to eat lunch with her (:
jiejie was afraid i didnt dare to eat lunch/dinner alone, so she brought me
corn muffins from Kenny Rogers and place it in her bag!!
"I put muffin in bag le. if you dont want go eat alone. Take and eat later. Water ownself buy. Heh"so sweet right!!

ohkay the english is horrible but cant you feel the love?!!?!?!?! i felt so loved!!!

and mummy came abit after, when my break was ending so i couldnt talk much with her.

returned back to the cashier after break. and i begin to notice that every cashier i stood at. the key to the cabinet is always crooked due to my constant leaning of the cabinet :x
got to know another guy from the queu control
Day 4:
Auntie Cindy 
i begin to feel that for aunties horh. all you have to do is to start topics with their kids and the conversations goes on and on for quite well. haha but it wont apply for all la.
but auntie cindy was a little deaf i had to shout a few times for her to hear me. she's funny (: easy going and veri caring!!
mummy came again that day with ah-ying-ah-yi, or auntie ying.
by today many people at cashier B ardy know me, my name or face or simply just as szb.
even when there was no ppl i held up my counter no. tag and wave to the customers and queue control-ers.
LiYing, Vanessa, YuDa and another guy never fail to laugh, or look back at me not knowing what kind of face they shld make suitable or pointing at the queue and telling me that there were nobody queuing up. which was kinda obvious reli..
Day 5 :
i was late for work -__- 1 and a half HOURS LATE ^!$%^%$^$!#
nearly backed out of work cos i reli didnt know wad to do. i woked up at 12.10.
and i was suppose to report at 12.

anyway bravely called my in-charge Annie. i doubt they lack packers anyway so not much diff.
Sharon was my cashier for the day. same age as me and studying in Orchid Park sec, waiting for N results

such a coincidence right. and i got to know
Sheila and
Dolphin as well.
and that was the day i got scolding. by Annie
no, not because i was damn late for a whole 1 and a half.
is cos of my *ahem* raging enthuness towards my first work blah blah
blah as i constantly bore sharon with.
jumping, hopping, waving counter no. hysterically, playing with the plastic bags and "flying kites"so sad right. that day lasted like a century when i resisted my temptation to jump.
"你也是的, 不要随便乱蹦蹦跳跳!"
so it was now
jumping, hopping, waving counter no. hysterically, playing with the plastic bags and "flying kites" i even got told off by another manager later
(obviously the scolding spreaded like wildfire, and all the managers were like taking note of me)she wasnt that fierce, but just told me dont anyhow jump when i was just innocently trying to pull up my pants cos it was dropping so often. den you know when you pull up your pants its like the upwards motion made her thot i jumped -.-
like hello?? you want my pants to drop isit?
i spent the whole day teasing Sharon and asking her if she miss me when i went for breaks and the next few days. she did! LOL
had dinner with connie, auntie siew lan and
Cheryl !
dinner at Macs! ate 1 cheese burger and 1 mac chichken. dinner at 4 leh siao. cannot last til 10 de ma. so eat more (:
Auntie siew lan's 1 siao man, pointed a gun at a man's head.
and asked the man " 一加一等于甚么? "
man *trembling* : "二? "
BANG he shot the man dead
" 你懂得太多了。 "split my guts for days la can.dragged them to visit the pet shop with me after dinner, the bunnies are so adorable!!
i want a pet!! :(
Day 6 :
cashier with
Auntie Cindy again!!
this was the first time i was the assistant with the same cashier .
mummy came and find me again!! just before my dinner break.
that day dunno why, i was veri hungry and felt dizzy.
i even felt cold for the first time can.
auntie cindy knew and was like rushing me to quickly go eat dinner ^^
so nice! and that was the last day she was working at the fair :/
the Operational Manager whose name is i think.. sunny? -.- idk what kinda name is that but HE IS SO @#%@#$
when i was working for Connie, i had to call him to fix something at our counter. but instead he made me pack his counter for him. and refuses to release me back to my counter!!
somemore still say i lousy packer cause i didnt turn the items to face the barcode to him.

insanity of all insanity!
but he taught me how to use the cashier larhs. so cant be all bad about him

so now i learnt to do the cashier also!! so fun!!
Ivy came to visit me before she left for her flight back to her hometown. ahh i miss her ardy.
i miss crapping with her seriously. and she brought me a bag of snack!! T_T i love you ivy LOL.
kor also came to visit me cause he said the last day of my work he wont be able to make it cause have to book in. he even brought me Impact Lime mints!!

so mummy, jie and kor waited for me to knock off work.
dunno why i always knock off later then jie -_-
Day 7 :
today was with
Jaslin, she talks even softer than me can! so imagine it if you can. i had to strain my ears haha.
she works at Harris, same age as me and lives at Yio Chu Kang. haha thats all i knew about her (:
and she has a BF. LOL. she is reli cute can. and she's like shorter than yijun :x
so i reli had something to tease her about.
when we left the counter to find things for a customer, we passed thru the stage and the MC was just nice saying
"this super duper deal is for kids ages from 1-7.." i pointed at her. yupps. had alot of laughs that day.
YiLing kept offering me gummies! so nice!! (:
and Dolphin taught me to sort out all those.
towards closing i persuaded the relieve cashier to let me play with the cashier abit :x heh heh!!!
didnt get to send GN off T_T wanted to ask her to bring back a kangaroo for me de :/
Top row (left to right)Dolphin, ChangYao, KimHock, X, X, Vanessa, XMiddle rowX, X, YiLing, Liwei, Cheryl, LiYingBottomMe and Sheila (:so disorganized can. everyone trying to get their timesheet with me "roaring" over the heads to get a group pic.
and everyone was exchanging numbers and msn.
end up no one wanted to sit so i sat x_x AND WHERE IS JESSICA!?!

ahh im gonna miss them!! but we'll be having a sentosa outing soon!!! looking forward for it :D
i dun like guys who thinks that all girls will give them their phone numbers when you asked for it. over confident arses!!! what makes you think that every girl will huh?! guo fen!
im not as sui bian as the ah lians you see on every street in singapore, i still have respect for myself ohkays.

its back to audition for me!!! :D

woots! shall edit somemore next time :x