Sunday, November 2, 2008
Chua Chu Kang
nostalgia placeCCK lol. kor ended up didnt go with us cause, too far and his bunk is at cck ma. den ask him off day go back cck abit. hahahahaha sorry kor!

we actually set out at 5. cos some idiot wanted to put on fake eyelashes and we quarrelled like shyt over it cos it took so long. hmms take time arhs take time -.- yesterday no time CAN!
but we ended up reaching chua chu kang earlier than mummy. jie was so worried that mummy will 迷路 den kept calling her check. joker.
so bored on the mrt larhs, the trip was uber long.
and of all randomness. - i love my punk skirt!! look like pixie those kind of skirt ^^

actually grabbed jie's economics book to highlight some things, -
and yes i was that bored lol.
reached cck and waited for mummy. i think we were laming on the platform.
jie told mummy that we would be waiting on the "天台",
then i was like "NOOooo 天台 is balcony!!"
and we bickered 5 mins over it. i dont know how good is my chinese vocab but it ought to be 月台 isnt it?
i was abit high yesterday, so *ahem took mani mani photos! ok la not alot, onli up to my phone's memory limit.
not camwhore ohkay! is take scenery (:

west/north side always seems abit chinese chinese culture feeling. almost like chinese garden.
*jie extra

and this!

what the hell makes them think that when there is a huge crowd, people would be able to see it?
they shld put somewhere eye lvl la can! heh heh next minister me me

singapore will die under my hands lol.

xiao one (:
and finally mummy reached ^^
we headed to bukit panjang(?) first to find peiru jiejie and joel korkor. they had a handphone shop there lorhs! i went there at least twice? i didnt see them. god!!
their business was good ^^, we actually planned to go eat first while waiting for them to settle their customers. veri good!

so ate in foodcourt, they came down later to eat with us :D and talk abit. quuite lucky kor never go bah or might have some awkwardness. talk quite alot. they were all jokers (: and went back to their shop, talk some more things and we went to hit the mall. joel korkor wanted to give mummy red packet for her birthday haha, but didnt pass thru ^^
overall the mall was freaking cramped and lack of space. the shop sizes were limited, the escalator was one-man kind nia. went to minitoons and some the accessories veri nice lorhs!, didnt see at TM de minitoons. thinking of blinging my phone and camera when i buy it hoho. bling crosses

sat LRT back to cck, we got the front seats this time!! it felt like skytrain except it is not free :x

whee! lols.
jie kept comparing the west and the east side lorhs. from jurong east til cck, den on the way back also "
west side de air fresher lorhs", "
reli! like no blah blah blah", "
see got hills got tunnel got duno what".
like west side so much den go marry LF and live in the west side 
HAHA jk, im gonna stay in the tampines and you're staying here with me LOL.
went to lot1 and shopped. jie nearly brought some hello kitty wallet -_______-" impulse!! tsk tsk.
heh heh no have any jap shop so, not much interest. mummy was more interest in old chang kee there la can. funny mummy ^^

bus-ed 67 home, actually took 1hour and a half to reach tampines. almost one year never go there forgot the duration of the bus.
i blewed my top of at the interchange, for i duno what. think is cause i bth the walk le. heh heh.
blewed off another time on the bus cos i wanted to sit at the rear. 67 passed through gheylang and little india so i didnt wan anyone to sit alone on the 2 seats MAH. mummy insisted on sitting on the 2-sitter so she sat alone.
dozed off on the journey, den mummy and jie changed places. and for a veri veri veri long time!
i slept on mummy's lap

!! veri got security the feeling lorhs although the whole bus reeked of *ahems*
but jie had to sit with a *ahem*
reached tampines, daddy picked us up and we went to church there to have supper.
didnt have any cause feeling giddy. somemore some illiterate don't know what is no smoking area and was blowing smoke into my face la can. zzZzzZZZZZZZZZZ.
felt so much better when we're sitted together as a family for supper. it has been so long since daddy was able to eat with us cause of
ungodly working hours.

and we went home, PS-ed, SSed and slept. ^^
the day we pei-ed huiyu mummy go interviewso cool! the mrt was empty cos we sat to marina bay there. played with the poles and handle bars! so fun. its like so refreshing not to act my age

and when i finally settled down..

*snap* , ohkay bimbo-ed face so im not showing it -_______-"