Friday, October 31, 2008
yay played audition this morning :3
many changes made, but at least it was much less laggier than before
and new waiting motions!!! but have to buy at 10k dens nia!!! brought 2, the rest look ridiculous haha!

i brought the
fall and
win motions. so
cute his pose. hahahaha my
purple haired guy!!!

apparently many other girls love MY
purple haired guy too. count of at least 11 girls want MY
purple haired guy to couple with them although my skills were pathetic since i went back to audition last week *braggy* ^^ TOO BAD!
HE'S MINE! muahahahahhahaha see. x3kira. he loves me hahahaha blehhh desperate girlsssss. its my account anyway lol.
many old songs are back. wheesung's songs are also back
new ingame arrows also zzZz
HATE IT I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!!!!! its gonna take me ten thousand years to get use to the stupid arrows!!!! arghsssss!! wth.

andd new songs ^^ BY2 and i think with wuzun(?) nice

its friday again! hmmms another week gone. and goodluck for bong&jun! POA and BIO Os must be tough :x
ss, chinese, chem, physics more to go!

gambateh all!!!!!!
thinking of working at escape theme park now. :x but there no air con lols. hmmmmmmms, popular shld be better :D
think i might have post this before but. funny mah!

oh oh something i forgot to mention
first day of O lvls was economics and chemistry. joker larhs.
chemistry, before we started the exam the teachers asked us to check for the correct pages and blah blah. I SAW THE LINES AT THE BACK FEW PAGES. I SAW IT I SAW IT. and i went to write all the answers for section B on the foolscap they gave us -________________-"
so diao la. last 5 min then i remember there were lines. then flipped back the ans book AND SAW THE LINES THERE. omg la. but no time copy over le. zZzz.
like sotong sia first day of exam. then when the teachers collect back the foolscap paper i was like. omg im the only one who never hand in any foolscap(around me). scared and feeling stupid at the same time.
but then come out jun tell me she also wrote on the foolscap paper. HAHAHAHA 2 panic-ing sotongs :x
asked Mr Toh if it was alright to hand in on the foolscap paper he said it was ohkay. whew!!!
and he gave me a *thumbs up* ^^!!
wooo ohkay. gonna hop back into audition for abit more and then start on social studies. ~

naruto shippuden is out!!!
waa stupid manga. who ask me read manga de huh? think is wy -__-" curse u! so mani ppl die , read le keep tearing T_T somemore keep getting confuse with the progress of the manga and anime.
Long Kiss Good Bye by HALCALI