kira : mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn leen : so siannnnnn kira : ya! no job kira : we go do some stupid things leh leen : i don't mind. what things? kira : we go bang some wall or something kira : i did mention stupid leen : okay, i bang yours on the wall first okay? leen : OKAY! leen : SET kira : =.= kira : i bang u leen : haha
leen : any idea how to get to ecp food centre? kira : er leen : if i walk from macs it's gonna be loooooooong journey kira : ecp foodcentre? u mean the one near the surfing place? leen : yes yes i think that's the place kira : erhs duno, always my dad drive de leen : never mind kira : u noe the mac place rite leen : yes kira : wait arhs i nid to gather my thots lol leen : LOL leen : i think walk left right kira : HOW U WALK LEFT AND RIGHT?! leen : mac place not macdonalds? leen : as in leen : walk left, right?
funny~! poor barney!
ohkays it does sound lame but it seems funny to me when i was conversing! ok la lame la lame la -_-
Movie date with jun & gn, bong couldnt make it cos she was down with flu ): must have got it ytd at Kbox, so cold x_X it wasnt reli movie date arhs, just a dvd movie marathon thingy.
woke up at 11, den jun texted me that we may hit her house at any time then ard 12. i walked to Simei, it took me longer than the last time i walked there with dennis kor. reli is long lorhs. solely reaching tampines courts there ardy took me like 20mins? finally reached Simei and i hit the supermarket. had to buy snacks, ham , bread and bowl noodles :D!! the NTUC there was so confusing can! it was like spilt in 2 sections, and i nearly couldnt find the ham and bread place. thnk god i called yijun. brought my $11 worth of snacks up to jun's house, to realize that she's going down to fetch GN. yea and after tapao-ing everything, and lunch. movie starts~! "Hill have eyes " was up the first. GRUESOME. totally. disgusting. i was so glad i ate my lunch first. yijun suggested watching it first, and she hardly saw the movie can! kept turning back cos scared. arghs i dowan recall the movie. its quite sadistic and reminds me of "the house of wax"
Shrek3 next! i didnt watch the movie behind, i think. i dont reli like shrek ~.~ dawdle a lttle more at jun's house after watching the totally spies?, some gossip chnls and phins and ferb i guess. and i was back home, didnt dare to walk back home this time. train-ed home. :D
and that was the end of my *duno wadword to describe* day. im off to maple~ lalala get well soon bong
edited thnks man, watching the movies today totally killed my appetite. i wanted to eat the ham and bread for supper. guess i'll skip them tonite. the show is a real diet show man. watch it and you'll be able to keep to ur diet.